Find Your Arty Side – Andy Warhol Style

This started out as an accidental ‘find’ on YouTube and was fairly light-hearted initially; but the effect was just so awesome and cool that it has now progressed somewhat!! I appreciate that this is going to come across as pretty self-indulgent but I just had to upload the results onto my blog.

Would it be wrong and incredibly sad to hang these images on my wall, above my sofa?  Yea you’re right, it so would.

Andy Warhol copy

If you have Photoshop you should seriously try this (if you don’t have Photoshop, try GIMP instead; you can download it for free).

If you do attempt this please send me the results so that I can include them on my blog, like a little tribute to the great Andy Warhol!  I wrote a post previously about visiting an exhibition in Belfast dedicated to Mr Warhol, you can read it here.


  1. Adam S says:

    I’ll hang that poster above my sofa?! \mm/


  2. anitadesignstudio says:

    Haha! I think that’s a great idea; imagine coming home EVERYDAY from a hard days graft and being blinded by SIX images of my day-glo face. EVERYDAY…yea, not such a good idea now, eh??!


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